Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blogging Again- well maybe

I stopped blogging just because I have absolutely no time. But I really miss blogging so I am going to try again- no promises though.
So lately things have been crazy at our house- Stephen started a new job in November and we moved to the north side of town in Dec ( we sold our house and close in June!), I went to Australia for 10 days on a school trip and recently I was in a car accident, broke my finger, and had surgery. We also just started Summer Spectacular practice which is sooo much fun but also very time consuming ( practice 3 nights a week).
The kids are growing up so fast. They are learning so much in school and just surprise me everyday.
Mitchell Update- I will spend the rest of this post updating about Mitchell. My next post will be about MK.
Mitchell is two and 1/2. He has really been testing boundaries and limits this year but in the past couple of weeks I have seen a change in Mitchell's behavior. Lately he has been saying, yes ma'am, and yes sir, please, thank you (or just "thanthss" which I love), and now your welcome. He's favorite things to do are: play blocks, read books, watch home movies, sing, do puzzles, and play outside. He asks to go to the zoo or the park everyday so we try and go once a week. His favorite foods are tomatoes, strawberries, pizza, and donuts (actually sausage rolls- he would eat 10 if I would let him but I cut him off at two much to his disappointment). His favorite color is yellow which started b/c he loved Greg the Wiggle when he was one. He wants yellow everything! We literally have to open a pack of fruit snacks till we find a bag with yellow- luckily sissy doesn't care as much and she will eat the bags with out yellow. Mitchell loves his yellow blankie and he wraps himself up in it and calls himself "baby Jesus." One of Mitchell's quirkiest traits is that he loves villains and scary things. This obsession began at Halloween and has continued throughout the year. He calls them "scaries." Right now Mitchell is sleeping with Sylvester (aka- Sylbester) but he switches out guys about once a month. He also takes something weird to bed with him like a book each night as well as a "sipper of water." CONFESSION: Mitchell still has a passy. I know it is awful he will be three in August but I just don't have the heart to take it from him. He doesn't use it during the day at school, just in the car and at home and when he can sneak it past us. I will be dealing with that issue soon though. Here is a recent picture of my precious boy.
Life would be so dull with out you Mitchy!