Monday, March 19, 2007

My Modest Baby

Ok, so I guess I have the most modest baby in the world. I have had three sonograms in the last 2 weeks and at each one I have asked the doctor to look and see what we are having. However, my baby must be very modest because in all three the doctor could not tell if we are having a boy or a girl. I have, unfortunately, had to have three sonograms because I have had some complications but thanks to so many prayers it looks like all is well with me and the baby. I was hoping this morning when I had my third sonogram that the baby would flash its parts for the entire world to see, but we had another no-show. I am going to go back in on the 2nd of April for another attempt. If we can’t find out on the 2nd then I am paying the big bucks for a 3-D sono. So I am starting the count down again… 14 more days.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Heartbeat!

I love going to my OB appointments. There is nothing better than hearing my sweet baby’s heart beat. Today, I had a doctor’s appointment and everything looked great. There is always those few seconds where we are waiting for the doctor to find the heart beat that feel like an eternity. I am so glad we live in a time where we have the technology to hear and see what is going on inside of us. I can’t imagine not having a sonogram or not hearing the heartbeat. I am counting down the days until next Friday, when we have our sonogram and find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Only 11 more days!