Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We went to Houston for Easter with Stephen's family and then came home for an Easter egg hunt at my parents house on Sunday. It was a fun but busy weekend.

Mitchell was actually able to wear his Easter outfit in Houston. The weather was great!

Mitchell and his cousins.

Back in Fort Worth- you can tell by the dead grass.

Mitchell and his cousin Jilli.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Walking on Sunshine!

It appears that crawling is not good enough for this 7 month old so he decided he would try out walking. Mitchell's Nanny got him this push toy yesterday and he is using it like a pro. I thought it would be weeks before he figured it out, Instead it was minutes!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Prayers Needed

My Papa, my dad's father, had a massive heart attack yesterday. He had surgery to put splints in to open his valves. Please keep him and our family in your prayers. From what I have been told it would be difficult to come back from this, but we know that God can do anything and that makes nothing impossible. Pray for the doctors and everyone who handles him. I love my Papa so much; growing up I remember so many fun things Papa did with us. One of the things he took us to do was going to this HUGE dirt hill in Witchita Falls and sliding down them in big card board boxes, the closest I have ever gotten to skiing. I am so glad Mitchell got to meet Papa and I pray that so will our next baby. We love you Papa and are praying for you.

Mitchell is the fourth generation McBroom starting with Papa.