Tuesday, June 27, 2006


We have have been having VBS this week and it has been great to go out with our friends afterward for dinner. We went to Don Pablos last night or as my dad would call it "the Pab." Even Trey came, yeah!


Trey Laminack said...

Nice pics! I want more of my teeth!

Ashley N said...

I've had so much fun hanging out with y'all again!

Lindsey said...

nice tunic

I also like the Glamourcraft Senior Picture at the end.

Maggie said...

Love the shirt! Don't listen to Linds. remember that really ute demin shirt w/ the hot pink flowers that she hated? I wish it fit me still. by the way...
I Hate you all!

Wezie said...

I agree with Maggie - the blouse is lovely. You are so beautiful. Thanks for sticking with us for VBS...You and Stephen are the humble backbone that we should all follow as an example. Luv Ya!!!

Web Bulimic said...

Why are you the only one wearing your VBS costume to "the Pab"?

Maggie said...

Ry that is really funny! I LOL ed

Katie McB. said...

That was really funny Ryan!