Saturday, July 21, 2007

Family Shower

My mom threw me a fabulous baby shower today. It was fun to get to see both sides of my family and Stephen's family at the same time. It was also nice to take a short break from my bed rest. We have received so many wonderful things for Mitchell. He is blessed to have so many people who love him and can't wait to meet him. We are waiting patiently for him. Only 3 1/2 more weeks until he is due but we might have him sooner if my blood pressure continues to climb. But he his no longer breech so we might be able to have him naturally if my blood pressure does not get out of hand. Here are pictures of my shower today and Mitchell's room.


jennifer said...

Yeah for an update!! Mitchell's room is sooo cute! It looks like you have everything ready for him to come!

Emily said...

Who are the babies your dad is holding?

Maggie said...

that room is too cute!

Jenn said...

you look so beautiful and that room is soooooo cute!