Thursday, October 11, 2007

2 Months Old!

We had our two month checkup on Tuesday. Unfortunately Mitchell has not been eating very well. He went from eating 5 oz to only taking 1oz to 2oz at a time. His doctor thinks he is allergic to milk and soy so we are trying a "pre-digested" formula. He also has reflux so he is on zantac. We have been giving him the new formula for almost 48 hours and he seems to be getting better. We are praying that this works, I know the poor guy is always starving. Other than his eating issues he is doing great! He amazingly has still been gaining weight and is now 12 1/2 pounds. He is also just shy of being 24in (Almost two whole feet of baby goodness!) Mitchell is also smiling now and can roll over from his tummy to his back in about 1 second. Here are some pictures we took yesterday and today.


Maggie said...

Mitchy is the cutest baby ever !!!!

Kristen Ballard said...

great pictures!! Thanks for sharing. Sorry you are having those problems, alot of babies have reflux and I know it is not fun. I hope the new formula goes well for you.

Anonymous said...

KK, So sorry that Mitchell isn't enjoying milk! I hate that he has reflux, I myself take Zantac and it works very well! I just hope he feels better so and gets back to eating more! He still has the cutest smile!

Jenn said...

he is soooo cute katie, his little puckered mouth is just adorable! i have something for him, when do you go back to work? i want to bring it by and see him in person, let me know when would be good for you. the girls are dying to see him in person!