Sunday, November 02, 2008


We had a busy night! We went trick or treating with Stephen's family first. Then we went to Fall Fest to see my mom and then we went to Castle City (my parent's house) where all of my cousins were. Mitchell LOVED Halloween! He was so into it. He loved walking down the street holding his bucket of candy. He figured out trick or treating by the second or third house and did it all by himself. And then at Fall Fest he liked the petting zoo the most. (He is obsessed with ducks.) Maggie Kate slept through the whole night waiting for her Prince Charming to wake her up.
Maggie Kate was supposed to be a pink monster but her costume was too big so I went to Build a Bear Workshop and bought her a costume. It fit her perfectly!
My little monster! My little princess!

Papa and Mitchell

Snow White and Mulan

Dada with Maggie Kate and her new cousin Cheridan. My dad and his sisters with almost all of their grandchildren. We missed you Maisy and Weaver!


Kristen Ballard said...

How sweet!! That is so funny that she wore a stuffed animal costume- she is so precious, though!!!! Looks like y'all had a blast- holidays are going to be so much fun now.

Maggie said...

so sad Maisy-girl was sick and we missed the fun.

jennifer said...

Looks like a fun and busy night!! Maggie Kate looked adorable!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are SO adorable, Katie! How precious are they in their costumes??

So sweet. :-)

Amber M.

Anna said...

Your kids are beautiful!!! Isn't that costume your mom has on yours from highschool!

Katie McB. said...

Yes, Anna. I made that Mulan costume our senior year to wear to that party at Cheryl's.

stacey4 said...

Super Cute! I cannot get over the build a bear costume!!! That is hilarious!!

Emily said...

Cheridan is Amanda's baby, right? She is so cute! :)

Lindsey said...

Man! Y'all were at Fall Fest?! I wanted to see the little monster and Snow White :(